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Survive Christmas Dinner with these 5 Tips

Think About Where You Sit

Try seating far from the snack bowls and food. The closer you are the more tempted you are to eat it, besides you will not be paying attention to the quantities since you will be distracted talking to your family members.

Budget your Calories

You know it's Thanksgiving and you will be eating until your bottom falls off. So we suggest you have a light brunch to hold you until 6 o clock and then indulge yourself.

Get Back in Track right After 

Don't let one night disrupt your whole routine. Once Thanksgiving is over, go back to the gym and keep on crushing those goals.

Plan Ahead

Pick 3 High calorie foods to indulge in. Start from the healthier low calorie foods, salads and vegetables are a great choice you will start feeling fuller, so by the time you hit your favorites you wont be able to eat as much.

Be Active

Christmas morning wake up and workout to ‘earn” those calories, indulging is part of life. However you can always make an effort so it doesn't impact your fitness goals so hard.

Falling off the train is ok, as long you always go back.